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Showing posts from January, 2018

The Yoga Experience: week 1

Week 1/14:             Today was my first experience doing yoga. I’ve had no experience with this exercise type but I’ve always been interested in it. I love weight lifting, but it unfortunately puts a lot of wear and tear on my body. With that being said I felt like yoga would help me increase my mobility and recovery. What I was not expecting was just how hard my class would be and just how stiff and non-flexible I truly am.              The class I took was called “flow” and it’s a Vinyasa class they offer at my work lifetime fitness. I figured this would be a good class to start with since its one of the most popular styles here in the U.S.. The class seemed very smooth and was much more difficult than expected. It was hard for me to get into many poses and hold them for the length they wanted. Overall I enjoyed it and am excited to try and get better at it.